
Palisa Anderson


Palisa Anderson is a portion of a much larger whole that is her family business. Their first business Chat Thai was established in 1989, since then they have expanded the operations to 9 eateries, a grocery store, a travel agency and a farm.

Spending her childhood in and around restaurants gave her an appreciation for hospitality, a lifelong curiosity of food and ingredients and an easy rapport with people from all different walks of life.

After attending the University of Sydney she travelled and worked extensively in Hong Kong, London, New York and Tokyo for 10 years before coming back to Sydney and re-joining the family business much to the joy of her mother Amy, the family Matriarch.

Being one of the directors of the business her role is varied from overseeing staff management to being hands on with R’n’D for menu planning to selecting varieties of heirloom South East Asian herbs, fruits and vegetables to grow on Boon Luck Farm she and her husband own and manage. She is passionate about her role in creating affordably nutritious and enjoyable food and loves meeting challenges that a small family business faces.

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